1. The night of Yom Kippur we have
the custom for the Cantor to say "in the assembly of up high and in
the assembly of below with permission of Hashem and with permission of
the congregation, we make it permissible to pray with sinners".
We also have the custom to say Kol Nidre (כל נדרי) and afterwards say
the blessing of Shehechianu (שהחיינו) without using a cup of
wine. [And afterwards we pray the evening service (מעריב).
We have the custom to say Kol Nidre when it is still day and we
continue singing Kol Nidre until night fall reciting it for a total of
three times. Each subsequent recitation the Cantor raises his
voice louder than the previous recitation. The Cantor also says
three times "and forgive the entire congregation of Israel ... (ונסלח
לכל עדת)" and the congregation responds three times "and Hashem said I
forgive you as you requested (ויאמר ה סלחתי כדבריך)". One should
not deviate from the custom of their city even with the tunes or the
poems said there.]
2. The night of Yom Kippur and the following day we say "Blessed
be the name of his glorious kingdom forever (ברוך שם כבוד מלכותו לעולם
ועד)" in a loud voice.
3. If Yom Kippur fell out on the Sabbath, we say the prayer of
("And the heavens and earth were completed...)
and one blessing from the seven (1). Then we conclude with the
blessing of מקדש השבת ("he who hallows the Sabbath"). We do
not say "of Yom Kippur" in this blessing. [One can not say "Our
father, our King on the Sabbath but the rest of the prayers petitions
and lamentations we say just like if it fell out on a weekday.]
4. We require one person to stand at the right side of the Cantor
and another person to stand at the left side of the Cantor (2).
5. There are some people who stand on their feet all day and all
6. There are those who have the custom to lodge in the synagogue
and say songs of praise the entire night (3). [It is good to
sleep far away from the ark. If someone does not want to say
songs of praise at night should not sleep in the synagogue. The
Cantors who pray for the congregation the entire day should not stay up
at night as their voice weakens without sleep.]
(1) M.B: The blessing of the "holy king" המלח הקדוש
2) M.B: Just like Aaron and Chur lifted up Moses' hands in the
Torah. Now the custom is for them to stand by the Chazon until
(3) M.B: One should go to sleep at home and not stay up all night
because one can't have the proper concentration during the day if one
is tired.
Aruch Chapter 620: A Good Custom to Be Brief With the Morning
Prayer (1 Paragraph)
1. It is good to be brief with the
supplications and lamentations during the morning prayer in order to
hurry so that they will be able to pray the Mussaf prayer before the 7
Aruch Chapter 621: The Order of the Torah reading and
Circumcision (6 Paragraphs)
1. We bring out two Torah scrolls. In the first we read six
sections in the chapter of אחרי מות
"after the death
of Aaron's two sons..." until ויעש כאשר צוה ה
did just as G-d commanded...". If Yom Kippur fell out on
the Sabbath, they read the seven sections plus an additional Maftir
reading in the second section of Pinchas ובעשור לחודש
on the 10th of the month" and we read from the prophets in
Issaiah from סלו סלו פני דרך until כי פי ה' דבר.
2. A circumcision on Yom Kippur is performed between יוצר in the
Mussaf prayer and after the reading of the Torah. After the
circumcision we recite אשרי. [Our custom is to do the
circumcision after אשרי]. If you are located in a place which
requires the congregation to exit the synagogue to perform the
circumcision, then we do not do it until after the recitation of the
silent standing prayer. Then after the circumcision they recite
3. We make a blessing on the circumcision without a cup of wine.
[Others say to make a blessing on a cup of wine and give some of it to
the baby being circumcised and such is our custom.]
4. In the mussaf prayer, the Cantor recites the order of the
sacrifices. [The custom is to fall on our faces when they say
"the priests and the people..." we also to raise their voices in praise
of G-d (unsure of translation of this phrase ???) but the Cantor is
forbidden to do this since he can't move from his place at the time of
praying in order to fall on his face. One should protest if he
tries to do so.]
5. The correct version of the confession (וידוי) isחטאתי עויתי
6. It is our custom to pledge charity on Yom Kippur in the name
of dead people [and recite in their memory by name since the dead also
have forgiveness on Yom Kippur.]
Aruch Chapter 622: The Order of the Mincha Prayer (4 Paragraphs)
1. On Mincha we say the prayer of
אשרי and ובא לציון. We do not say ואני תפלתי even if it fell out
on the Sabbath. [We do not have the custom to say אשרי and ובא
לציון before Mincha but we say it instead before Neilah נעילה and
several Rabbis wrote the same thing. We don't say אין כאלקינו on
Yom Kippur.]
2. We bring out a Torah scroll and read three readings in the
chapter of עריות until the end of the section. And after the
third section we conclude with the book of Jonah. Then we recite
מי 'ל כמוך and we make a blessing before it and after it. If Yom
Kippur fell out on the Sabbath, we mention the Sabbath in the blessing
and conclude with "of the Sabbath" in the concluding blessing.
[We do not say על התורה ועל העבודה during the Mincha Prayer.]
3. If Yom Kippur fell out on Shabbat, we say צדקתך and
אבינו מלכינו. [In our communities we do not say צדקתך and
אבינו מלכינו.]
4. We do not cover our faces (to say the Tachanun prayer) during
Mincha on Yom Kippur. If a Cohen decides to go up to do the
priestly blessing he may cover his face and we don't stop him. (1)
(1) M.B. This is not a good idea, and the other priests should not join
him in saying the priestly blessing.
Aruch Chapter 623: The Order of the Concluding נעילה (Neilah) Prayer (6 Paragraphs)
1. For Neilah/ נעילה we say אשרי and ובא
לציון. [I already wrote that the custom in our communities is to
say these two before Neilah.]
2. The time when we start saying Neilah is when the sun just
begins to set in order that we should finish it close to sunset.
The Cantor must be brief with the supplications and the passages in the
middle of the prayer. Also he should not enunciate every single
word in Neilah like he enunciates in the rest of the prayers in order
that he should finish before sunset [and we say כתבינו חתמנו (write us
and seal us) in their respective places].
3. If Yom Kippur falls out on Shabbat, we mention in the prayer
Shabbat. But in the confession (וידוי) after the prayer we do not
mention the Shabbat. This applies to an individual. But the
Cantor since he says the confession (וידוי) in the middle of his
prayer, he mentions the Shabbat. If the Cantor did not remember
it, we do not correct him.
4. We say כתר like we say in the Mussaf prayer.
5. We cover our faces during Neilah. [The custom in our
communities is to not cover our faces during Neilah, but to say "Our
father, our King" (אבינו מלכינו).]
6. After the סליכות (supplications) we
say ה' הוא האלקים 7 times. [We also say Shema 7 times and ברוך שם
3 times.] Then we blow with the Shofar a Tekiah, Sevarim, Teruah.
[Others say to blow only one Tekiah and such is our custom in our
communities. We blow after Kadish is recited which is after the
Neilah prayer. In some places they have the custom to blow before
Aruch Chapter 624: The Order of After Yom Kippur is Concluded (5 Paragraphs)
1. We pray the Ma'ariv prayer and say Havdalah within the passage
of חונן הדעת.
2. It is necessary to add extra time to the holy day even during
its conclusion so we wait a little after the stars come out.
3. We say Havdalah on a cup of wine but we do not make the
blessing on the spices even if it fell out on Shabbat.
4. We make the blessing on fire, but don't make it on a new fire
that we kindled from flint (unsure of exact translation but he is
definitely saying that we need a preexisting fire to make the blessing
on). Other say we can make a blessing on a fire which was taken
from a preexisting fire.
5. A Jew who obtained a fire which was lighted by Gentiles may
not make a blessing on it after Yom Kippur even though that one can
make a blessing on it after the Shabbat because we can only make a
blessing on a fire which rested from before Yom Kippur itself or from a
fire lit by this fire. Similarly, it is our custom to light a
fire from the candelabras of the Synagogue. However, if we lit a
fire on Yom Kippur that was permitted like if it was for a sick person,
we may make a blessing on it. [Some say to make the blessing on
the candelabras of the Synagogue. Others say to not make a
blessing on them, but to light one candle from them. It is fine
to make a blessing on them together; one newly lit candle from the
candelabras and the candelabras themselves and to not only make a
blessing on one candle. The laws of candles are listed
previously. We eat and are joyous after Yom Kippur since it is a
little Yom Tov. Some are stringent on themselves and make two
days of Yom Kippur and there is a valid reason for it. We do not
have the custom to adhere to this stringency because of the potential
danger involved. One who fasts the fast of a dream the day after
Yom Kippur does not have to fast his entire life (??? voluntary
fasts). We do not say Tachanun תחנון or Tzitkatchah Tzedek from
Yom Kippur to Succot. Those who are zealous immediately begin to
build the Sucah the day after Yom Kippur in order to bring together one
Mitzvah after another Mitzvah.]
Translated by Dr. Jay Dinovitser
Free for personal use only.